Have you ever looked at your car and wondered where that initially-stunning shine slowly disappeared to?… Don’t worry, you’re not alone, because the owner of this BMW X6M was wondering the same thing prior to calling Castro Oasis! Once we had the opportunity to talk to the owner of the vehicle, we were able to help him understand where that shine went, and how we planned on bringing it back! We explained to him how a multi-step paint correction performed by the Castro Oasis Team, would be sure to bring his car right back to life! Not only that, but by adding on a complete interior detail as well, he was able to save 50% on the interior detailing portion (A $150 Value).
Although the interior of the BMW X6M is currently in good condition, we felt that by implementing our innovative techniques, that we could take this baby to the next level, leaving it Oasis Fresh!
Stay tuned to see what happens next!
Elevated Experience, Ultimate Protection, Premium Services
Castro Oasis